Nature Walks around Wharariki Beach
in Golden Bay

This is an older map showing some of the walks and carparks around Wharariki, Puponga Farm Park and Farewell Spit. Updated maps are available via the links further down this page.

Map showing walks, car parks and toilets around Wharariki Beach, Farewell Spit, Cape Farewell, Pillar Point Lighthouse and Puponga in Golden Bay, NZ.

Some of the walks can be started directly from the Holiday Park. Some other walks towards Farewell Spit will require a short drive or cycle ride to get to the start of the track.

Further details of the walks can be found online using the links below:

Dept of Conservation (DOC) webpage on the Farewell Spit and Puponga Farm Park walks including estimated times to complete various parts of the track. (Opens in a new window),

Dept of Conservation (DOC) Map of the area (opens in new window)

Dept of Conservation (DOC) PDF Brochure for Farewell Spit and Puponga Farm Park (opens in new window)

This brochure is also available to purchase at visitor information centres in the Tasman region.